- I'm resurrecting the Discourse forum
- I got a job
- Experimenting with Mastodon
- A few planned Yakread updates
- Discussion apps > reading apps?
- Reneging on the subreddit
- Hello Seattle I am a manta ray
- Exploring Reddit essays
- Complaining about Substack for fun and profit
- Try out the Yakread pre-release
- How Yakread's RSS recommendation algorithm works
- How to deal with short-form posts?
- What if I started a nonprofit?
- On the mehness of Yakread's acquisition funnel
- RSS is great for recommendations
- Be indulgent
- My home-grown product analytics dashboard
- The world's finest onboarding flow
- Into the shell I go
- Stuff I read that maybe you'd like too
- Help me sponsor your newsletter
- How to beat social media's network effects
- (Re)introducing Yakread: a smart newsletter reading app
- In defense of recommendation
- I'm going to delete most of Yakread's features
- Funding software innovation
- TikTok for reading
- You can help unbundle social media
- Replies and referrals
- Advertise your newsletter in Yakread
- Cross-platform RSS recommendations on Yakread
- How to rebuild social media on top of RSS
- Discord is a decent place for forums
- What's better, chronological or algorithmic timelines?
- Designing the perfect timeline
- Substack can fix their lock-in if they want to
- Healthy, low-prep information meals
- Introducing Yakread: a simple reader app for the unbundled web
- Discord could almost replace Twitter
- Last post! Merging with TFOS newsletter next week
- Join the tools-for-online-speech community
- Stuff I read: 17 October 2022
- It's Working [Anakin emoji]
- Why to not be a startup founder
- Stuff I read: 10 October 2022
- Cross-platform recommendations
- Yakread sharing notes
- Stuff I read: 3 October 2022
- Queuey queues for chewy chewing
- Moar Discovery
- Stuff I read: 26 September 2022
- Merging Findka Essays
- Stuff I read: 19 September 2022
- The Sample algorithm update; upcoming Yakread features
- What's your favorite email provider?
- Stuff I read
- Sharing and notifications in Yakread
- Test post
- Read your tweets and books in Yakread
- Yakread is live
- The time of Yakread is at hand
- Flexible themes in Platypub
- Newsletter directories, subscriber import integrations, and you
- Some publisher console updates
- Demo: submitting a newsletter to The Sample (silent movie)
- Onboarding flow
- Reader app, automation, more about Substack recommendations
- I can't believe I'm about to build another dumb web app
- Tech and democracy
- Announcements for 4 July 2022
- Substack recommendations, paid acquisition, consulting
- The Sample updates for 20 June 2022
- Just published "We need better tools for online speech"
- We need better tools for online speech
- Publisher report for 7 June 2022
- Now you can read your bookmarks with The Sample
- The Sample publisher report (14 Mar)
- The Sample publisher report (7 Mar)
- The Sample publisher report (28 Feb)
- The Sample publisher report (21 Feb)
- The Sample publisher report
- Return of the Biff
- The Sample publisher report
- The Sample publisher report
- The Sample publisher report
- The Sample publisher report
- The Sample publisher report
- The one where Substack gives me an aneurysm
- The Sample publisher report
- Building for the open web
- The Sample publisher report
- A mental model for decentralization
- The messy future of social media
- newsletter draft
- Pass the JELO
- The Future of Future of Discovery + Software Invention
- How The Sample drives thousands of newsletter subscriptions
- Why I changed my mind about advertising
- Curating the Curators
- Why did The Sample send me this newsletter?
- The Findka API
- The Sample Roadmap
- The Future of Discovery
- The Substack Narrative
- Synthesis of Show HN: The Sample
- Findka Essays is back online
- Why I'm excited about newsletters
- App idea: casual curated newsletters
- What I'm trying to do
- Newsletter platforms: please support 1-click subscribe
- Protocol-based social networking, today
- Started learning recorder recently
- The recommender system you've always wanted
- Roots and Branches: Centralization and the Role of Software Startups
- Some thoughts on newsletter advertising
- The pros and cons of algorithmic curation
- An algorithm for driving newsletter traffic
- API-only businesses
- Adapters first, then protocols
- Merging The Sample with Findka Essays, sort of
- The Last Marketplace
- Filter bubbles vs. divisiveness
- Algorithms don't cause filter bubbles, people do
- Findka Essays status update
- We need user-centric data
- The Sample: solving discovery for newsletters
- Get more newsletter subscribers with Findka XP
- What I wish I could've done instead of college
- What I wish I could've done instead of college
- Fancy form posts in Biff
- Marketing Findka etc.
- An open-source discussion aggregator
- Move fast, but understand the problem first
- A job board for people who aren't looking for jobs
- Sane political discourse
- Use Findka via RSS
- A question for people who run newsletters
- Some personal news
- Processing RSS feeds with
- How to get the most out of Findka
- Findka product roadmap
- A new take on RSS
- A new take on RSS
- New feature: recommendations on the website
- re:Clojure conference talk on Friday
- Four software ideals
- Findka survey results
- Big release for Biff
- How git could help save the open web
- Building an essay recommender system in 10 days
- How Git could help save the open web
- Why I don't take notes
- Why I don't take notes
- A conversation about startups and web dev in Clojure
- Just launched Findka Essays
- Join the beta for Findka Essays
- Join the beta for Findka Essays
- New essay: The trade-offs of being a startup founder
- The trade-offs of being a startup founder
- A macro I'm proud of
- Findka is now a (dank) social network
- Meetup on Monday: Intro to Biff
- About that Materialize integration...
- Materialize integration almost done (knock on wood)
- Findka + libpython-clj
- Serving Findka's recommendations via libpython-clj
- Plans for scaling Findka
- Spike in Findka usage; social networking soon
- Findka marketing, experimenting with, Biff launch prep
- Biff docs done; new Findka features
- Tic Tac Toe with Biff and next steps for Findka
- Findka: project management, new UI, on-demand recommendations
- Migrating to Biff
- Migrating to Biff, a self-hosted Firebase alternative for Clojure
- Yet another Component alternative
- What could you do with a general-purpose recommender system?
- Growth for Findka and simplified query subscriptions for Crux
- Sneak peek: Biff, a Clojurey alternative to Firebase
- A recommender system in 30 lines of Clojure
- Jacob O'Bryant's Newsletter
- How to edit S-expressions in Vim without plugins
- Just finished Mystery Cows, an app for learning ClojureScript
- Stubbing out ClojureScript + React
- A chatroom for Mystery Cows, thou pribbling clack-dish
- Just released: trident.firestore
- Clojure and Firestore and Cloud Functions, oh my
- Recommender system economics, reactive queries, and thoughts on Pioneer
- Firebase Authentication With Clojure
- update
- Landing Pages With Clojure and Firebase
- update
- The Solo Hacker's Guide To Clojure
- update
- Findka progress update
- update
- update
- Startup Validation for Hackers
- Lagukan progress update
- Findka architecture: Airtable and Fulcro
- Update
- Update on
- AWS Battles
- New post on
- What I've Learned Since Quitting My Job
- New post on
- New post on
- First Steps With Clojure
- The Rationality of Faith
- update
- Growing a Framework, or, Clojure Made Easy
- Building a CRUD app with Datomic Cloud Ions
- What I'm Doing With My Life
- Programmers and Musicians
- The Future of Work and Education
- Love, Ambition and Suffering
- Should you work hard?
- Grad school
- Production and Learning
- Understanding Clojure
- What is Computer Science All About?
- A Brief History of Agile
- Better Goals and Plans
- Structure vs. Flexibility
- How to Build the Next Tech Empire
- Living the Dream
- Relationships
- How to Improve CS Education at BYU