Findka architecture: Airtable and Fulcro

I've decided to start writing weekly updates about my work, life, etc. Typically I've only written in-depth articles on specific topics; but that leaves out a lot of content in my head. So these blog updates will be lower-friction and more frequent. Plus, I can always take excerpts and turn them into separate articles later.


Bye-bye Airtable

I released a new version of Findka last week. Previously, I had been using Airtable as a CMS for users. After you created a Findka account, you would copy a template base into your Airtale account, and you'd enter the API key and base ID into Findka. When Findka imported your data from other accounts, the data would be stored in Airtable. The contents of Airtable were used to then generate your Findka profile/website. There was even a key-value base in the template which I used as an easy way to add configuration options.

This saved me from the horrors of adding a bunch of CRUD to Findka; however, it simply wasn't a great user experience. Airtable wasn't meant to be used this way, and although I really liked the setup, it was confusing for others who tried using Findka. So I finally decided to do the sane thing and just store user data in my own database.

I hope that at some point, easy-to-use data stores become available. Basically, the idea is that users would each have their own (managed or self-hosted) database which includes auth flows so you can give access to other apps. You'd also have an Airtable-like interface so users could manipulate their data directly. Then instead of handling all the CRUD myself, I would specify a schema for data that my app needs, and users would go through an OAuth flow that sets everything up with their personal data store. (And if they didn't already have one, it'd be easy to sign up within the flow.) Or even better; signing up for Findka would automatically create a free-tier data store, which would be moved into the user's existing account if they choose.

The best benefits of this IMO would be ease of development for me and hackability (in the good sense) for users. To expand on the latter, imagine if all your project management data was stored in a database that you had direct access to (instead of in *shudder* JIRA). And now imagine that there was a vibrant plugin ecosystem. If you wanted a better UI than JIRA provides for a particular workflow, you could install a plugin for just that use-case while continuing to use JIRA for everything else.

Anyway, that's one of the things I'd like to build at some point. I think the time isn't quite right for it yet though.

Also, bye-bye Fulcro

When I started working on Findka about six weeks ago, I decided to try using Fulcro, which I had never learned before. But ultimately I decided that it's not for me. I spent Friday and Saturday ripping it out and replacing it with Rum and some custom code for managing state + backend/DB communications. I'm really happy with the result.

The whole point of Fulcro is to manage the complexity of large apps, not to make small apps simple/easy. So there's a threshold of app size/complexity below which it doesn't make sense to use Fulcro. At the very least, I simply misjudged where that threshold is. Findka is higher than weekend-project level, but it's still at the solo-developer level. Maybe Fulcro is better for larger projects that involve more people.

The biggest issue I had with Fulcro is that there's a lot of added complexity involved with maintaining the client-side database. One of Fulcro's main features is automatic normalization: you define your data model as a tree structure, inline with your UI, and then Fulcro converts that into a normalized graph structure for you. However, in order to make the automatic normalization work, you have to do a fair amount of work whenever you read or write data.

Also, everything has to be done through a myriad of functions; Fulcro's API is not very data-driven. It was hard to build a mental model for how everything worked; instead it was more like "use this function for this situation, that function for that situation," etc. I often found myself in situations that the documentation didn't quite cover, which meant I had to go read through the source code (some times I was successful, other times ended in work-arounds).

The result is that I ended up being slowed down significantly by Fulcro, and eventually I hit the breaking point. I am glad I had the experience of using it though. It was educational, and I could see myself going back to the docs to get ideas for how to handle various things in my new bespoke framework.

The new architecture

For one thing, I liked the way Fulcro structured the client DB. As an example, a slice of your DB might look like this:

{:item {1 {:title "foo"
           :description "bar"}
        2 {:title "spam"
           :description "eggs"
           :item-ref [:item 1]}}}

So you have two entities, and they have idents of [:item 1] and [:item 2] respectively. I'm keeping roughly the same structure, and I'm using lots of cursors and derivatives to access individual parts. I would love to use FactUI, but:

  • It doesn't have pull expressions.
  • It seems experimental, and I want to stay slightly more on the tried-and-true path for this project.

For server communications, I set up a single REST endpoint which takes re-frame style events. For example:

; Server
(defmethod handle :some-event
  [{:keys [opts] :as req}]
  (assert (= opts {:event-data "foo"}))

; Client (go (println (<! (events/hit [:some-event {:event-data "foo"}])))) => "hello"

For handling CRUD (well, CUD) operations, I've made a :save event handler which takes a custom transaction data structure, authorizes it using spec and the user's authenticated ID, and then converts it to a Datomic transaction. My new transaction format looks like so:

   {; Each key is an ident.
    [:item ""] {:item/title "new title"
                                            ; Set a nil value to retract.
                                            :item/description nil}
    ; You can retract entire entities too.
    [:item ""] nil
    ; Singleton entities have an ident with only one element.
    [:user] {:user.profile/id "jobryant"
             ; Component entities can be included as nested maps.
             :user/site-config {:site-config/display-name "Jacob"
                                :site-config/color "#343a40"}}}])

For authorization, you define some rules:

(def rules
  ; Each key is a "table," i.e. the first element in an ident.
  {:item {; Each entity in the transaction must match the spec for its table.
          ; only-keys doesn't allow any keys outside req and opt.
          ; s/nilable means the user can retract entities from this table.
          :spec (s/nilable (only-keys :req [:item/url-0] :opt schema/item-keys))
          ; Given some context (`env`) and an entity's (client-side) ident, return
          ; a Datomic lookup ref.
          :id (fn [env [_ url]]
                [:item/key-1 [url (:user-eid env)]])
          ; If specified, the user's authenticated ID will be added to this key
          ; on the entity.
          :user-key :item/user-0}

:user {:spec (only-keys :opt [:user.profile/id :user/site-config]) :id (fn [env _] (:user-eid env))}

:integrations {:spec (only-keys :opt [:user.integration/goodreads-id :user.integration/feed-url :user.integration/spotify-oauth]) :id (fn [env _] (:user-eid env))}})

In addition, entity values will be checked against any specs that have been registered for their keys. Component entities must have specs defined for their keys, e.g. (s/def :user/site-config (only-keys :opt schema/site-config-keys)).

I'd like to publish this transaction-handling code as a library after it's more fleshed-out and battle-tested, but in the mean time you can take a look at the post-authorization conversion code if you're interested.


I've reached the point now where my development environment involved opening about nine different terminal tabs whenever I get started, so I decided to figure out how to automate that. I've started using tmux (and tmuxp for session management) and it's amazing. I can't believe I had gone all these years without it. I've set my terminal-opening keyboard shortcut to gnome-terminal -- tmux, so I've moved completely from the builtin tabs to tmux. My .tmux.conf:

set -g status-bg black
set -g status-fg white
set -g mouse on
set -g focus-events on
bind -n C-S-Pagedown swap-window -t +1\; select-window -t +1
bind -n C-S-Pageup swap-window -t -1\; select-window -t -1
bind -n C-Pagedown next-window
bind -n C-Pageup previous-window
bind -n C-t new-window -c "#{pane_current_path}"
bind C-h select-pane -L
bind C-j select-pane -D
bind C-k select-pane -U
bind C-l select-pane -R
bind C-b select-pane -t :.+

Other than figuring that out, I just had to learn how to copy-paste (hold shift while you select/middle-mouse click) and scroll (ctrl-b PageUp to enter scroll mode (well, "copy mode"), ctrl-c to exit).

I also finally got fed up with Vim adding extra indentation to e.g. custom macros, like

(some-macro [a b c]

And so I discovered and added the following gem to my nvim/init.vim:

let g:clojure_fuzzy_indent_patterns = ['.*']

This implements Tonsky's suggestion of "Multi-line lists that start with a symbol are always indented with two spaces". Like tmux, I can't believe I'd gone so long without it.

This week

I'll add more integrations to Findka and start working on the recommender system portion. I'm hoping to have it at an MVP level (at least for the free tier) within a couple weeks.

Yesterday I also did a lot of thinking about my general approach to being a startup founder, and I might make some major modifications. I've had enough writing for now though; maybe I'll talk about it next week. But it might result in me going back to do more work on Lagukan!

Published 12 Jan 2020

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